Logan Handler Labor Saving Options


  • Hand-Powered Hoist Car Rollback
    Allows the operator to control the back and forth motion of the hoist car on the beam, eliminating the pushing and pulling effort otherwise required.
  • Remote Winch Control or Pendant Winch Control
    This option makes the winch virtually automatic, so no bending or pulling is required while lowering the vault into the hole.
  • Hydraulic Powered Boom & Rollback
    Makes everything single operator push button controlled with no cranking, pushing or handling needed by the operator.
  • Three / (or Four) 36" Hydraulic Cylinder Package
    It makes the leveling process quicker with no need for planks.

Labor Savings = Money Savings

Our customers have even received a savings in their Workers' Compensation premiums by choosing some of our safety and labor savings options. Check with the Bureau of Workers' Compensation in your state, to see whether they will offer reductions in your rates.

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